Statymas: Atlanta Braves at Florida Marlins -10

Varžybų laikas: 2011-06-09 02:00 Idėta: 2011-06-08 15:42
Lyga: MLB
Pasirinkimas: 2 (3-2) @1.87 10/10 Bwin STATYTI

Laikas pabaikt pralaimejimu serija manau. L6 is eiles. Siokd toks aprasymas: Play On: Florida w/Nolasco vs Lowe Battered and bruised, the Marlins host the Braves in Game Two of this three game N.L. East Division series at Sun Life Stadium in Miami Wednesday evening. The Fish send Ricky Nolasco to the hill knowing he owns a sharp 3.15 ERA at home this season, as opposed to a 5.13 ERA on the road. He\'s also 8-3 at home in his career team starts during the month of June. Meanwhile, Derek Lowe toes the rubber for Atlanta in lousy KW form with 11 walks and eight strikeouts his last three starts. With that, look for Lowe to fall to 6-13 in his last 19 road starts during June here tonight.

Tipsteris: deo

Unitai Pelningumas
-101.20 -5.92%
Statymų skaičius: 194
Laimėta/Pralaimėta/Atšaukta: 86/ 101/ 4
Patikimumas (vidut.): 9.08
Koeficientas (vidut.): 3.27
Unitų spėta: 1771
Unitų laimėta: 832