Statymas: NA Hamburg - VC Wiesbaden -10

Varžybų laikas: 2009-02-09 21:00 Idėta: 2009-02-09 20:05
Pasirinkimas: 1 @1.85 10/10 Bwin STATYTI

Deutsche Volleyball Bundesliga Women 2008/2009 - Regular season. NA Hamburg is a very solid team and ofcourse big favourite in this match. They have at this moment not so bad form because till now 11 wins and 3 loses so very stable, solid form. They much better than 1. VC Wiesbaden who have at this moment in this season only 9 wins and 5 loses. In my opinion difference is too big between this two teams and I think NA Hamburg should win this game without any problems, especially at home with own fans, goodluck.

Tipsteris: carpenter

Unitai Pelningumas
+79.30 +5.10%
Statymų skaičius: 164
Laimėta/Pralaimėta/Atšaukta: 94/ 62/ 0
Patikimumas (vidut.): 9.97
Koeficientas (vidut.): 1.87
Unitų spėta: 1635
Unitų laimėta: 940