Statymas: St. Louis Cardinals at Washington Nation -10

Varžybų laikas: 2011-06-16 02:00 Idėta: 2011-06-16 01:27
Lyga: MLB - National League
Pasirinkimas: 1 @1.91 10/10 Bwin STATYTI

The Cardinals and Nationals resume their three game series when St. Louis sends promising rookie Kyle McClellan the mound in the nation\'s capitol Wednesday evening. McClellan enters off the disabled list with an 8-2 team start mark this season, including 4-1 away from home. He\'s also in sharp KW form with two walks and 11 strikeouts his last three starts. With the red Birds 14-6 in their last 20 games in this series, look for more of the same here this evening.

Tipsteris: deo

Unitai Pelningumas
-101.20 -5.92%
Statymų skaičius: 194
Laimėta/Pralaimėta/Atšaukta: 86/ 101/ 4
Patikimumas (vidut.): 9.08
Koeficientas (vidut.): 3.27
Unitų spėta: 1771
Unitų laimėta: 832